Lent, a season of reflection and preparation for Easter, offers a unique opportunity for Catholics to deepen their faith and connect with Saint William’s community, including parish leaders. Here's how Prayer, Almsgiving, and Penance contribute to this connection and foster a spirit of service:
Saint William offers unique Lenten prayer opportunities such as Stations of the Cross, Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, and a live depiction of the Passion of Christ. Participating in these activities allows Catholics to pray alongside parish leaders and fellow parishioners, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Concretely, parish priests, staff, and volunteer ministry leaders can guide prayer practices during Lent. This guidance can be homilies, small faith groups, or connections to parish ministries. Catholics connect with leaders through prayer and guidance and receive support in their faith journey.
Saint William has organized charitable efforts during Lent, such as the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Drive and through Catholic Charities of Central Texas. Volunteering and donating alongside parish leaders allow Catholics to put their faith into action and connect with leaders practically. In addition, Saint William relies on increased giving during Lent to support parish ministries and faith formation programs. Catholics directly support the parish's mission and the community's betterment by contributing financially.
Lent emphasizes reconciliation with God and others. By participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Catholics connect with priests who serve as In persona Christi (In the person of Christ). The sacrament allows reflection, repentance, and a renewed commitment to serving God, the Church, and others. Penance often involves self-reflection and a desire to make amends. This introspection can lead Catholics to identify areas where they can serve at Saint William. They might then connect with parish leaders to explore volunteer opportunities or ministries that align with their interests.
Lent provides a focused time for Catholics to grow closer to God and our community. Catholics connect with parish leaders meaningfully by engaging in Prayer, Almsgiving, and Penance and discover how they can best serve throughout the year.